Davis Metal offers one of the largest, most diverse and affordable laser cutting services in Texas with 3 tube lasers and 4 flat sheet lasers. Our vast capabilities include cutting high tolerance parts to +/- .005 or Better. Our tube lasers have a 28’ in and 24’ out capacity up to 8.625 diameter.
DMS offers our customers the opportunity to use a variety of stock materials including but not limited to aluminum, steel, stainless steel, titanium and copper. These include using varying sheet sizes from 5’ x 10’ up to 78’’ x 240’’ allowing them to have larger runs cut at more affordable rates. The flat sheet lasers can cut thin shim stock all the way up to 1’’ steel and stainless steel.
We can slit bare and coated carbon steel and aluminum coils in gauges 14 and lighter. Coil widths need to be 48” wide and narrower. Weights must be 15,000 pounds and less.